There are many different types and designs of clean cookstoves all over the world to serve the particular conditions in different countries. The Red Fire Pot (RFP) is the clean cookstove designed for the Liberian cooking habits by the EnDev project. You find the RFP in Monrovia here.

Kekehs (also called auto rickshaws or tuk-tuks) are common three-wheel vehicles on the roads in many Liberian cities and towns.

EnDev staff installs jointly with Barefoot Women 

In October 2015 EnDev conducted installation at 22 sites with renewable appliances in the form of fosera, Dulas fridges and 600-watt peak solar system at the Barefoot Women College and the Playhouse Foundation in Sierra Leone.

EnDev Project Manager Hartlieb Euler, showing his excitement

The Exhibition named "ENERGY REVOLUTION SIERRA LEONE" was planned to create an awareness of the level at which Sierra Leone has been involved in the global energy revolution.