In Yandohun, Kolahun district, Lofa, a 60 kW hydropower plant was rehabilitated starting in 2011 through funding from the World Bank’s Africa Renewable Energy Access Program. Since 2013, around 1,020 persons in more than 149 households benefit from water-powered electricity. Before the wars, there had been a 30 kW hydropower plant with an isolated grid that was successfully operated and managed by the Yandohun community in the 1980s.

The Yandohun hydropower plant has a Transmission/Distribution voltage of 11.0 kV/400 V/230V. The length of the mini-grid is 4.6 km. It is owned by the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA) and operated by residents in the community organised as Yandohun Electricity Development Cooperative.

A group of people and students from MLME, BWI, Stella Maris, Engineering Society, University of Liberia and Tubman University went to Yandohun for three weeks to learn, train and understand the system. Some residents were trained for basic maintenance at BWI, Kakata.